
Posts Tagged ‘binge eating’

Trial jog…

So, it’s now been five weeks since I broke my toe. At the moment, it’s still swollen, but it doesn’t really hurt to walk on, so I’m going to try out some jogging this week, just really lightly, and see how it responds.

I also wanted to add that my doctor’s put me on fluoxetine (Prozac) for a trial month to see if it helps me. At the moment I’m just under one week on it, and I’m not seeing any benefits yet, but I guess these things take time. It’s not making me drowsy like the escitalopram or nauseous like the citalopram, so that’s good.

I’m still having horrible, recurring thoughts, though, and anxiety. I haven’t binged in a while, which is awesome, but I’m still finding it pretty hard to cope.

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